Help children to cope with stress: 5 tips

The exams are approaching, and with them the inevitable stress for both students and their parents. Even if the preparation is good, many children simply cannot cope with the tension and feel anxiety, excessive excitement or depression. Family Consultant Cheryl Butler tells how to help adolescents cope with stress.

So that increased loads do not lead to health problems and nervous breakdowns in a teenager, it is important to listen to his needs from the very beginning and create a convenient working atmosphere for him. How to help the child cope with stress? Here are five tips for parents:

Council No. 1. Show sensitivity

If you see that your teenager looks preoccupied and tense, ask what worries him. Regular family conversations help to better cope with stresses. Studies of the National Institute of Health (USA) show that children whose parents are constantly aware of what is happening in the life of the child show the best results in exams and competitions. It is important that failures are not a reason for parental criticism, but are perceived as the general problems of the family that can be solved together.

Council No. 2. Create a comfortable environment

It is important that the workplace and home environment work to create a favorable emotional climate. If chaos and disorder constantly reigns in your house, it only enhances the anxiety and confusion in the child. Elizabeth Scott, a stress management specialist, advises periodically conducting an audit of the home environment and asking myself: is I really calm and relaxed here? Invite the teenager to decide for himself in which environment he can better concentrate. Elizabeth Scott emphasizes: a space that gives a feeling of order and tranquility is critical of internal harmony and productivity.

Council No. 3. Organize the daily routine

One way to deal with stress is to exclude unhealthy habits from your life. Look at the diet. Is there enough vitamins in it? Do you overdo it with sweets? Do you follow the regime? Excessive stress can turn into a decrease in self -control and strengthen the craving for “jamming”, “flirting” – if the teenager is fond of video games – anxiety. Simple streamlining of everyday routine acts soothing. And everyday rituals – family dinners, board games on weekends – create a sense of comfort and tranquility.

Council No. 4. Follow breaks

The life of a teenager – especially in graduation classes – consists of constant loads. Preparations for exams, sports classes and competitions, participation in school productions – and this is without taking into account stress related to relations and growing up. Make sure your teenager spend enough time for sleep and has free time. Select one day on which you will not load it with household chores. Make together a weekly schedule so that it has a place for meetings with friends, walks and games in the fresh air.

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