Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask miguelgrinberg com

✅ DO build and test your example code snippets using the repository’s continuous integration to ensure they remain functional. ✅ DO provide docstrings for all public modules, types, constants and functions. ✅ DO increment the major version if there are breaking changes in the package.

What is the best tool to build an API Python?

  • Falcon.
  • Bottle.
  • Hug.
  • Eve.
  • Django.
  • TurboGears.
  • web2py.
  • Pyramid.

To find the content developer you should work with, check with your team’s Program Manager. Quickstart – Article on that is similar to but expands on the README content; typically written by your service’s content developer. Code snippets – Short code examples that demonstrate single operations for the champion scenarios you’ve identified for your library; included in your README, docstrings, and Quickstart.

Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask

✅ DO support all authentication methods that the service supports. ✅ DO include any service-specific error information in the exception. Service-specific error information must be available in service-specific properties or fields. For higher-level methods that use multiple HTTP requests, either the last exception or an aggregate exception of all failures should be produced. ☑️ YOU SHOULD prefer raising existing exception types from the azure-core package over creating new exception types. If the same result can be used for multiple operations, use a suitable noun-verb phrase instead.


Simply put, different HTTP methods are like the verbs for REST API. They are used for performing different actions on the same set of data. It was first defined in Dr. Roy Fielding’s dissertation (Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-Based Software Architectures) back in 2000.


Combine it with Duck Typing and the Force will be with you. The python api design pattern is handy in situations when, for some reason, we need to start by preparing what will be executed and then to execute it when needed.

(delete order #123)The REST design does not require a specific format for the data provided with the requests. In general data is provided in the request body as a JSON blob, or sometimes as arguments in the query string portion of the URL. Generally the use case will either involve data that users want in a machine-readable format or a backend for alternative clients such as an iOS or Android mobile app. A strong API can be considered the backbone of a potentially limitless number of projects or avenues of research. In many cases, it makes sense to first create an API interface to your core data or functionality before extrapolating on it to create a visualization, application, or website.

Running a Local Server

The difference is that it transforms the given amount to be negative. Therefore, no matter if the user sends a positive or a negative value, we will always store it as negative to facilitate calculations. Flask provides great documentation on what exactly this does. In this script, we will define the first endpoint of our application. Lock contains precisely what version of each package our project depends on and its transitive dependencies. After that, we will use pipenv to start our project and manage our dependencies.

  • With REST we always try to adhere to the HTTP protocol as much as we can.
  • With Flask, you can customize every aspect of your application by adding custom fields and inputs based on your data type.
  • In the following example, you will see that we are representing two recipes in JSON format.
  • If the language and its tools support it, ingest these snippets directly into the API reference from within the docstrings.

The clients of our web service will be asking the service to add, remove and modify tasks, so clearly we need to have a way to store tasks. The obvious way to do that is to build a small database, but because databases are not the topic of this article we are going to take a much simpler approach. To learn about proper use of databases with Flask once again I recommend that you read my Mega-Tutorial. Before we modify our code, first download the example database from this location and copy the file to your api folder using your graphical user interface. The final version of our API will query this database when returning results to users. Flask Restful is a Python-based micro-framework used by developers to make micro web services. It has a very lightweight module which makes it easy to build and implement APIs quickly.

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